Research Engineer
Department of Chemical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Room 66-303
(617) 253-6593
Ph.D., Energy Science, Kyoto University, Japan (2003)
M.S., Energy Science, Kyoto University, Japan (2000)
B.S., Material Science, Kyoto University, Japan (1998)
Research Interests:
Developments of New Advanced Materials and Processes for Carbon Capture and Utilization.
[B1] Takuya Harada and Katsukuni Yoshida, Chapter 7 in “Studies of High Temperature Superconductors Vol48: Vortex Physics and Flux Pinning” (ed. A.V. Narlikar, Nova Science Publishers Inc, New York) (2005)
“Chemical Doping Effects on The Flux Pinning Properties of Y-123 Cuprate Superconductors”
“The Study of Chemical Doping Effects on the Flux Pinning Properties in Y-123 Cuprate Superconductors,” Kyoto University (JAPAN), 2003.
[P23] Takuya Harada, Paul Brown, and T. Alan Hatton, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., in press (DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.9b00911). “Nonvolatile Colloidal Dispersion of MgO Nanoparticles in Molten Salts for Continuous CO2 Capture at Intermediate Temperatures”
[P22] Takuya Harada and T. Alan Hatton, J. Mater. Chem. A (2017) 5, 22224-22233. “Tri-lithium borate (Li3BO3); a new highly regenerable high capacity CO2 adsorbent at intermediate temperature”
[P21] Monica Puccini, Takuya Harada, Elenora Stefanelli, Sandra Vitolo, T. Alan Hatton, Chemical Engineering Transactions (2017) 57, 1147, “Sol-gel synthesis of Li4SiO4 nanoparticles for CO2 capture at high temperature”
[P20] Liang Huang,Yu Zhang, Wanlin Gao,Takuya Harada, Qingqing Qin, Qianwen Zheng,T. Alan Hatton, Qiang Wang, Energy Technology (2017) 5, 1328 “Alkali Carbonate Molten Salt Coated Calcium Oxide with Highly Improved Carbon Dioxide Capture Capacity”
[P19] Yaqian Qiao, Junya Wang,Yu Zhang, Wanlin Gao, Takuya Harada, Liang Huang, T. Alan Hatton, Qiang Wang, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, (2017) 56, 1509, “Alkali Nitrates Molten Salt Modified Commercial MgO for Intermediate-Temperature CO2 Capture: Optimization of the Li/Na/K Ratio”
[P18] Takuya Harada, and T. Alan Hatton, Chemistry of Materials, (2015) 27, 8153, “Colloidal Nanoclusters of MgO Coated with Alkali Metal Nitrates/Nitrites for Rapid, High Capacity CO2 Capture at Moderate Temperature”
[P17] Takuya Harada, Fritz Simeon, Esam Z. Hamad and T. Alan Hatton, Chemistry of Materials, (2015) 27, 1943, “Alkali Metal Nitrate-Promoted High-Capacity MgO Adsorbents for Regenerable CO2 Capture at Moderate Temperatures”
[P16] Ying Diao, Takuya Harada, Allan S. Myerson, T. Alan Hatton and Bernhardt L. Trout, Nature Materials, (2011) 10, 867 “The Role of Nanopore Shape in Surface-Induced Crystallization”
[P15] Takuya Harada, Fritz Simeon, John B. Vander Sande and T. Alan Hatton, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., (2010), 12, 11938. (Selected as a Front Cover of Issue 38,Vol.12) “Formation of magnetic nanotubes by the cooperative self-assembly of chiral amphiphilic molecules and Fe3O4 nanoparticles”
[P14] Andrea Centrone, Takuya Harada, Scott Speakman and T. Alan Hatton,
Small, (2010), 6, 1598. “Facile Synthesis of Vanadium Metal–Organic Frameworks and their Magnetic Properties”
[P13] Takuya Harada and T. Alan Hatton, Langmuir, (2009), 25, 6407.
“Formation of Highly Ordered Rectangular Nanoparticle Superlattices by the Cooperative Self-Assembly of Nanoparticles and Fatty Molecules”
[P12] Takuya Harada and Hidemichi Fujiwara, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, (2007), 61, 394. “Formation of Rod Shape Secondary Aggregation of Copper Nanoparticles in Aqueous Solution of Sodium Borohydride with Stabilizing Polymer”
[P11] Takuya Harada and Katsukuni Yoshida, Physica C (2003) 391, 1. “The effect of rare-earth substitution at the Ba site on the flux pinning properties of Y(Ba2-xRx)Cu3O7-δ(for R = La, Pr, and Nd)”
[P10] Tuyoshi Kawakami, Takuya Harada and Katsukuni Yoshida, Physica C (2003) 391, 8. “Effects of Pr-doping on the pinning properties in YbBa2Cu3O7-δ”
[P9] Takuya Harada and Katsukuni Yoshida, Physica C (2003) 388-389, 729.
“The effect of Pr- and Ca- doping on the flux pinning and superconducting properties in YBa2Cu3O7-δ”
[P8] Takuya Harada and Katsukuni Yoshida, Physica C (2003) 387, 411.
“Pr and Ca co-doping effects on the flux pinning properties in (Y1-x-yPrxCay)Ba2Cu3O7-δ”
[P7] Katsukuni Yoshida, Takuya Harada, and Eisaku Kojima, Superconductor Science and Technology, (2003), 16, 720. “Transport behaviour due to structural control of cuprate composites YBa2Cu3O7-δ- PrBa2Cu3O7-δ”
[P6] Katsukuni Yoshida, Katsuya Ota, Takamasa Hayasaka, Takuya Harada, Sizumasa Ueda, Physica C (2003) 388-389, pp. 429-430. “Non-ohmic resistance due to nanostructural inhomogeneity in RPrBaCuO”
[P5] Takuya Harada and Katsukuni Yoshida, Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity(2003) pp.2179-2186.
[P4] Takuya Harada and Katsukuni Yoshida, Physica C (2002) 383, 48
“The effects of Pr-doping on the critical current density in YBa2Cu3O7-δ”
[P3] Katsukuni Yoshida, Takamasa Hayasaka, Katsuya Ota, Takuya Harada, K. Hachiya, and E.Kojima, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering (Materials) (2002) 48, 1126 “Non-ohmic resistance due to structural inhomogeneity in cuprate composites”
[P2] Katsukuni Yoshida, Eisaku Kojima and Takuya Harada, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering (Materials) (2000) 46, 669. “Transport properties affected by praseodymium diffusion in two-phase composite YBaCuO-PrBaCuO”
[P1] Ryosuke O. Suzuki, Takuya N. Harada, Tomoya Matsunaga, Tetsushi N. Deura, and K. Ono, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B (1999) 30B, 403
“Titanium powder prepared magnesiothermic reduction of Ti2+ in Molten Salt”
[PT22] Takuya Harada, T. Alan Hatton, US Patent Application US 62/517,791 “Carbon dioxide removal using lithium borate”
[PT21] Takuya Harada, T. Alan Hatton, US Patent Application US 62/256,241, (US 15/354,999, WO2017087729A1) “CO2 Adsorbents Based on MgO Nanoparticle Clusters Coated with Alkali-Metal Salts”
[PT20] Takuya Harada, and H. Fujiwara, JP Patent No. 4609846, “Method for producing sintered metal materials, fine metal particles for its production, and the obtained electrical circuits“ Rights owned by Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd.
[PT19] Takuya Harada, and H. Fujiwara, JP Patent No. 4593502, “Reduction firing method of metal oxide particles and surface oxidized metal particles, and method for producing conductive components” Rights owned by Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd.
[PT18] Takuya Harada, and H. Fujiwara, K.Takashiba, N.Yamanaka, Y.Yamada, H.Nishikubo, T.Unno, JP Patent No. 4330024, “Nanoparticle dispersions and the production method” Rights owned by Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd.
[PT17] Takuya Harada, and H. Fujiwara, K.Takashiba, N.Yamanaka, JP Patent No. 4279329, “Fine particle dispersion and the production method” Rights owned by Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd.
[PT16] Takuya Harada, and H. Fujiwara, K.Takashiba, JP Patent No. 4248002, “Fine particle dispersion and the production method” Rights owned by Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd.
[PT15] Takuya Harada, H. Fujiwara, JP Patent No. 4762582, “Method for reductive sintering and interconnection of metal oxide nanoparticles with sintering aids by microwave irradiation” Rights owned by Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd.
[PT14] Takuya Harada, and H. Fujiwara, K.Takashiba, N.Yamanaka, Y.Yamada, H.Nishikubo, T.Unno, US Patent Application No. 12/309,739, “Method for producing fine particle dispersion and fine particle dispersion” Rights owned by Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd., International Patent Application No. PCT/JP2007/064575.
[PT13] Takuya Harada, and H. Fujiwara, K.Takashiba, N.Yamanaka, Y.Yamada, H.Nishikubo, T.Unno, US Patent Application No. 12/309,738, “Fine particle dispersion and method for producing fine particle dispersion” Rights owned by Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd., International Patent Application No. PCT/JP2007/064577.
[PT12] Takuya Harada, and H. Fujiwara, JP Patent Application No. 2010-289509, “Catalysts on cathode electrode for fuel cell and the fuel cell” Rights owned by Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd.
[PT11] Takuya Harada, and H. Fujiwara, JP Patent Application No. 2010-140680, “Method for sintering metallic fine particles by microwave radiation, and electronic components and sintered materials produced by its method” Rights owned by Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd.
[PT10] Takuya Harada, and H. Fujiwara, JP Patent Application No. 2010-106213, “Method for sintering and interconnecting of thermally degradable particles by microwave radiation, and the applications to electrical products”Rights owned by Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd.
[PT9] Takuya Harada, H. Fujiwara, H. Nishikubo, K. Takashiba, T. Unno, JP Patent Application No. 2007-191742, “Nanoparticle, nanoparticle dispersion, method for producing nanoparticle and nanoparticle dispersion, and conductive component” Rights owned by Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd.
[PT8] Takuya Harada, H. Fujiwara, H. Nishikubo, K. Takashiba, JP Patent Application No. 2006-304361, “Nanoparticle, nanoparticle dispersion and method for producing nanoparticle and nanoparticle dispersion” Rights owned by Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd.
[PT7] Takuya Harada, H. Fujiwara, JP Patent Application No. 2006-094449, “Electrode, device for producing metal nanoparticle, and method for producing metal nanoparticle” Rights owned by Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd.
[PT6] Takuya Harada, H. Fujiwara, JP Patent Application No. 2005-279919, “Catalytst on cathode electrode for fuel cell and fuel cell” Rights owned by Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd.
[PT5] Takuya Harada, H. Fujiwara, JP Patent Application No. 2004-107870, “Method for sintering of thermally degradable fine particle by microwave radiation and the application to electrical devices” Rights owned by Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd.
[PT4] Y. Yamada, Takuya Harada, H. Nishikubo, S. Masumori, H. Fujiwara, M. Okubo, JP Patent Application No. 2008-257458, (Allowed by JP Patent Office at 5 July, 2011)“Method for producing conductive components and electrical device with conductive components” Rights owned by Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd.
[PT3] H. Nishikubo, Y. Yamada, Takuya Harada, S. Masumori, H. Fujiwara, M. Okubo, JP Patent Application No. 2008-257459, (Allowed by JP Patent Office at 12 July, 2011) “Method for producing conductive components and electrical device with conductive components” Rights owned by Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd.
[PT2] H. Nishikubo, H. Fujiwara, Takuya Harada, Y.Ogiwara, JP Patent Application No. 2007-077354, “Method for producing copper nanoparticles”Rights owned by Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd.
[PT1] Y. Yamada, Takuya Harada, H. Fujiwara, K. Takashiba, H. Nishikubo, JP Patent Application No. 2007-291698, “Nanoparticle dispersions and method for the production” Rights owned by Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd.