Publications 2016-2020



Cameron Halliday, and T. Alan Hatton, Net-Negative Emissions through Molten Sorbents and Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2020, 59, 52, 22582–22596.

Mohammad Rahimi, Federico Zucchelli, Monica Puccini, and T. Alan Hatton, Improved CO2 Capture Performance of Electrochemically Mediated Amine Regeneration Processes with Ionic Surfactant Additives. ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2020, 3, 11, 10823–10830.

Cameron Halliday, Nil Ozbek, and T. Alan Hatton, Understanding Material Compatibility in CO2 Capture Systems Using Molten Alkali Metal Borates. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 46, 51468–51477.

Cameron Halliday, and T. Alan Hatton, The potential of molten metal oxide sorbents for carbon capture at high temperature: Conceptual design. Applied Energy 2020, 280, 116016.

Lev Bromberg, Nil Ozbek, Kai-Jher Tan, Xiao Su, Lokesh P. Padhye, and T. Alan Hatton, Iron phosphomolybdate complexes in electrocatalytic reduction of aqueous disinfection byproducts. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 127354.

Yayuan Liu, Chun-Man Chow, Katherine R. Phillips, Miao Wang, Sahag Voskian, and T. Alan Hatton, Electrochemically mediated gating membrane with dynamically controllable gas transport. Sci. Adv. 2020, 6, eabc1741.

Tahereh Jasemizad, LevBromberg, T. Alan Hatton, and Lokesh P.Padhye, Oxidation of betrixaban to yield N-nitrosodimethylamine by water disinfectants. Water Research 2020, 186, 116309.

Mohammad Rahimi, Kyle M. Diederichsen, Nil Ozbek, Miao Wang, Wonyoung Choi, and T. Alan Hatton, An Electrochemically Mediated Amine Regeneration Process with a Mixed Absorbent for Postcombustion CO2 Capture. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2020, 54, 14, 8999–9007.

Ali Hemmatifar, Nil Ozbek, Cameron Halliday, and T. Alan Hatton, Electrochemical Selective Recovery of Heavy Metal Vanadium Oxyanion from Continuously Flowing Aqueous Streams. ChemSusChem 2020, 13, 3865 –3874.

Fan He, Ali Hemmatifar, Martin Z. Bazant, and T. Alan Hatton, Selective adsorption of organic anions in a flow cell with asymmetric redox active electrodes. Water Research 2020, 182, 115963.

Sahag Voskian, Paul Brown, Cameron Halliday, Krzysztof Rajczykowski, and T. Alan Hatton, Amine-Based Ionic Liquid for CO2 Capture and Electrochemical or Thermal Regeneration. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2020, 8, 22, 8356–8361.

Miao Wang, and T. Alan Hatton, Flue Gas CO2 Capture via Electrochemically Mediated Amine Regeneration: Desorption Unit Design and Analysis. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2020, 59, 21, 10120–10129.

Mohammad Rahimi, Giulia Catalini, Monica Puccini, and T. Alan Hatton, Bench-scale demonstration of CO2 capture with an electrochemically driven proton concentration process. RSC Advances 2020, 10, 16832-16843.

Yayuan Liu, Hong-Zhou Ye, Kyle M. Diederichsen, Troy Van Voorhis, and T. Alan Hatton, Electrochemically mediated carbon dioxide separation with quinone chemistry in salt-concentrated aqueous media. Nature Communications 2020, 11, 2278.

Cameron Halliday, Takuya Harada, and T. Alan Hatton, Bench-Scale Demonstration of Molten Alkali Metal Borates for High-Temperature CO2 Capture. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2020 (

Cameron Halliday, Takuya Harada, and T. Alan Hatton, Acid gas capture at high temperatures using molten alkali metal borates. Environmental Science & Technology 2020 (

Kai-Jher Tan, Xiao Su, and T. Alan Hatton, An Asymmetric Iron‐Based Redox‐Active System for Electrochemical Separation of Ions in Aqueous Media. Adv. Func. Mater. 2020, 30, 1910363 (

Mohammad Rahimi, Giulia Catalini, Subrahmaniam Hariharan, Miao Wang, Monica Puccini, and T.  Alan Hatton, Carbon Dioxide Capture Using an Electrochemically Driven Proton Concentration Process. Cell Reports Physical Science 2020, 1 (

Jin Soo Kang, Seoni Kim, Dong Young Chung, Yoon Jun Son, Kyusik Jo, Xiao Su, Myeong Jae Lee, Hwajoo Joo, T. Alan Hatton, Jeyong Yoon, and Yung-Eun Sung, Rapid Inversion of Surface Charges in Heteroatom-Doped Porous Carbon: A Route to Robust Electrochemical Desalination. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 30, 1909387 (DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201909387).

Miao Wang, Howard J. Herzog, and T. Alan Hatton, CO2 Capture Using Electrochemically Mediated Amine Regeneration. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2020 (

Ryan A. Shaw, and T. Alan Hatton, Electrochemical CO2 capture thermodynamics. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 2020, 95, 102878 (

Cameron Halliday, Takuya Harada, and T. Alan Hatton, Toward a Mechanistic Understanding and Optimization of Molten Alkali Metal Borates (AxB1–xO1.5–x) for High-Temperature CO2 Capture. Chem. Mater. 2020, 32, 348-359 (



J. Lee, P. Srimuk, S. Fleischmann, X. Su, T.A. Hatton, V. Presser, Redox-electrolytes for non-flow electrochemical energy storage: A critical review and best practice. Progress in Materials Science 2019, 101, 46-89.

A. Kumar, H. Fukuda, T.A. Hatton, and J.H. Lienhard, Lithium Recovery from Oil and Gas Produced Water: A Need for a Growing Energy Industry. ACS Energy Letters 2019, 4, 1471-1474.

Sahag Voskian, and T. Alan Hatton. Faradaic electro-swing reactive adsorption for CO2 capture. Energy Environ. Sci., 2019 (DOI: 10.1039/C9EE02412C).

Alexander T. Murray, Sahag Voskian, Marcel Schreier, T. Alan Hatton, and Yogesh Surendranath, Electrosynthesis of Hydrogen Peroxide by Phase-Transfer Catalysis. Joule 2019, 3 (

Takuya Harada, Cameron Halliday, Aqil Jamal, and T. Alan Hatton, Molten ionic oxides for CO2 capture at medium to high temperatures. J. Mater. Chem. A 2019, 7, 21827-21834 (open access) (

Miao Wang, Mohammad Rahimi, Amit Kumar, Subrahmaniam Hariharan, Wonyoung Choi, T. Alan Hatton, Flue gas CO2 capture via electrochemically mediated amine regeneration: System design and performance. Applied Energy.2019, 255, 113879. (

Xianwen Mao, Paul Brown, Ctirad Červinka, Gavin Hazell, Hua Li, Yinying Ren, Di Chen, Rob Atkin, Julian Eastoe, Isabelle Grillo, Agilio. A. H. Padua, Margarida. F. Costa Gomes, T. Alan Hatton, Self-assembled nanostructures in ionic liquids facilitate charge storage at electrified interfaces. Nature Materials. 2019. (

Yinying Ren, Xianwen Mao, T. Alan Hatton, An Asymmetric Electrochemical System with Complementary Tunability in Hydrophobicity for Selective Separations of Organics. ACS Central Science. 2019. DOI: 10.1021/acscentsci.9b00379

Takuya Harada, Paul Brown, and T. Alan Hatton, Nonvolatile Colloidal Dispersion of MgO Nanoparticles in Molten Salts for Continuous CO2 Capture at Intermediate Temperatures. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2019, 7, 8, 7979-7986. DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.9b00911

Miao Wang, Subrahmaniam Hariharan, Ryan A. Shaw, and T. Alan Hatton, Energetics of electrochemically-mediated amine regeneration process for flue gas CO2 capture. Int. J. Greenhouse Gas Control. 2019, 82, 48-58. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2018.12.028

Tonghan Gu, Yunfei Zhang, Saif A. Khan, and T. Alan Hatton. Continuous Flow Synthesis of Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles in Reverse Miniemulsion Systems. Coll. Int. Sci. Comm. (2019) 28, 1-4. DOI: 10.1016/j.colcom.2018.10.005



Xiao Su, Akihiro Kushima, Cameron Halliday, Jian Zhou, Ju Li, and T. Alan Hatton, Electrochemically-mediated selective capture of heavy metal chromium and arsenic oxyanions from water. Nat. Commun. 2018, 9, 4701. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-07159-0

Juhan Lee, Pattarachai Srimuk, Simon Fleischmann, Xiao Su, T. Alan Hatton, and Volker Presser. Redox-electrolytes for non-flow electrochemical energy storage: a critical review and best practice. Prog. Mater. Sci. (2018), in press. DOI: 10.1016/j.pmatsci.2018.10.005

Xianwen Mao, Wenda Tian, Yinying Ren, Dexin Chen, Sarah E. Curtis, Marjorie T. Buss, Gregory C. Rutledge, and T. Alan Hatton. Energetically Efficient Electrochemically Tunable Affinity Separation Using Multicomponent Polymeric Nanostructures for Water Treatment. Energy. Environ. Sci. (2018), 11, 2954-2963. DOI: 10.1039/c8ee02000k

Lev Bromberg, Xiao Su, Katherine R. Phillips, and T. Alan Hatton. Magnesium Thiodialkanoates: Dually-Functional Additives to Organic Coatings. Industr. & Eng. Chem. Res. (2018), 57, 10992–11004. DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.8b01997

Tamara Winter, Xiao Su, T. Alan Hatton, and Markus Gallei. Ferrocene-Containing Inverse Opals by Melt-Shear Organization of Core/Shell Particles. Macromol. Rep. Commun. (2018), in press. DOI: 10.1002/marc.201800428

Yinying Ren, Zhou Lin, Xianwen Mao, Wenda Tian, Troy Van Voorhis, and T. Alan Hatton. Superhydrophobic, Surfactant-doped, Conducting Polymers for Electrochemically Reversible Adsorption of Organic Contaminants. Adv. Fun. Mater. (2018), 28, 1801466. DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201801466

Yunfei Zhang, Lev Bromberg, Zhou Lin, Paul Brown, Troy Van Voorhis, and T. Alan Hatton. Polydiacetylene functionalized with charged termini for device-free colorimetric detection of malathion. J Coll. Int. Sci. (2018), 528, 27-35. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2018.04.098

Tonghan Gu, Cao Zheng, Fan He, Yunfei Zhang, Saif A. Khan, and T. Alan Hatton. Electrically controlled mass transport into microfluidic droplets from nanodroplet carriers with application in controlled nanoparticle flow synthesis. Lab Chip (2018) 18, 1330-1340. DOI: 10.1039/C8LC00114F

Yue Wang, Hari Katepalli, Tonghan Gu, T. Alan Hatton, and Yundong Wang. Functionalized Magnetic Silica Nanoparticles for Highly Efficient Adsorption of Sm3+ from a Dilute Aqueous Solution. Langmuir (2018) 34 (8), 2674–2684. DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b04010

Fan He, P.M. Biesheuvel, Martin Z. Bazant, and T. Alan Hatton. Theory of water treatment by capacitive deionization with redox active porous electrodes. Water Research (2018) 132, 282-291. DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2017.12.073

Xianwen Mao, Andong Liu, Wenda Tian, Xiaoxue Wang, Karen K. Gleason, and T. Alan Hatton. Enhancing Performance Stability of Electrochemically Active Polymers by Vapor-Deposited Organic Networks. Adv. Funct. Mater. (2018) 28 (10), 1706028. DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201706028



Ranka, M.; H Katepalli, D Blankschtein, and TA Hatton, Schizophrenic Diblock-Copolymer-Functionalized Nanoparticles as Temperature-Responsive Pickering Emulsifiers. Langmuir  (2017) 33 (46), 13326-13331.

Bromberg, L.; R Chen, P Brown, and TA Hatton, Magnetic Lyogels for Uranium Recovery from Wet Phosphoric Acid. Ind. & Eng. Chem. Res. (2017) 56 (44), 12644-12654.

Gu, T.; EWQ Yeap, Z Cao, DZL Ng, Y Ren, R Chen, SA Khan, and TA Hatton, Droplet‐Templated Antisolvent Spherical Crystallization of Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Drugs with an in situ Formed Binder. Advanced Healthcare Materials (2017) 7, 1700797.

Harada, T. and Hatton, T. A., Tri-lithium borate (Li3BO3); a new highly regenerable high capacity CO2 adsorbent at intermediate temperature. J. Mater. Chem. A (2017) 5, 22224-22233.

Puccini, M.; Harada, T.; Stefanelli, E.; Vitolo, S.; Hatton, T.A., Sol-gel synthesis of Li4SiO4 nanoparticles for COcapture at high temperature. Chem. Eng. Trans. (2017) 57, 1147-1152.

Brown, P.; Sresht, V.; Eral, B. H.; Fiore, A.; de la Fuente-Nunez, C.; O’Mahony, M.; Mendes, G. P.; Heller, W. T.; Doyle, P. S.; Blankschtein, D.; Hatton, T. A., CO2-Reactive Ionic Liquid Surfactants for the Control of Colloidal Morphology. Langmuir 2017, 33 (31), 7633-7641.

Su, X.; Hatton, T. A., Electrosorption at functional interfaces: from molecular-level interactions to electrochemical cell design. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2017, 19 (35), 23570-23584.

Su, X.; Tan, K. J.; Elbert, J.; Ruttiger, C.; Gallei, M.; Jamison, T. F.; Hatton, T. A., Asymmetric Faradaic systems for selective electrochemical separations. Energy & Environmental Science 2017, 10 (5), 1272-1283.

Su, X.; Hatton, T. A., Redox-electrodes for selective electrochemical separations. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 2017, 244, 6-20.

Su, X.; Hubner, J.; Kauke, M. J.; Dalbosco, L.; Thomas, J.; Gonzalez, C. C.; Zhu, E.; Franzreb, M.; Jamison, T. F.; Hatton, T. A., Redox Interfaces for Electrochemically Controlled Protein-Surface Interactions: Bioseparations and Heterogeneous Enzyme Catalysis. Chemistry of Materials 2017, 29 (13), 5702-5712.

Huang, L.; Zhang, Y.; Gao, W. L.; Harada, T.; Qin, Q. Q.; Zheng, Q. W.; Hatton, T. A.; Wang, Q., Alkali Carbonate Molten Salt Coated Calcium Oxide with Highly Improved Carbon Dioxide Capture Capacity. Energy Technology 2017, 5 (8), 1328-1336.

Lee, H.; Gupta, A.; Hatton, T. A.; Doyle, P. S., Creating Isolated Liquid Compartments Using Photopatterned Obstacles in Microfluidics. Physical Review Applied 2017, 7 (4).

Su, X.; Bromberg, L.; Tan, K. J.; Jamison, T. F.; Padhye, L. P.; Hatton, T. A., Electrochemically Mediated Reduction of Nitrosamines by Hemin-Functionalized Redox Electrodes. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 2017, 4 (4), 161-167.

Su, X.; Bromberg, L.; Mortis, V.; Simeon, F.; Huq, A.; Hatton, T. A., Postsynthetic Functionalization of Mg-MOF-74 with Tetraethylenepentamine: Structural Characterization and Enhanced CO2 Adsorption. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9 (12), 11299-11306.

Qiao, Y. Q.; Wang, J. Y.; Zhang, Y.; Gao, W. L.; Harada, T.; Huang, L.; Hatton, T. A.; Wang, Q., Alkali Nitrates Molten Salt Modified Commercial MgO for Intermediate-Temperature CO2 Capture: Optimization of the Li/Na/K Ratio. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2017, 56 (6), 1509-1517.

Tian, Y.; Grishkewich, N.; Bromberg, L.; Hatton, T. A.; Tam, K. C., Cross-linked Pluronic-g-Polyacrylic acid microgel system for the controlled release of doxorubicin in pharmaceutical formulations. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 2017, 114, 230-238.



Bromberg, L.; Su, X.; Martis, V.; Zhang, Y. F.; Hatton, T. A., Self-Decontaminating Fibrous Materials Reactive toward Chemical Threats. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016, 8 (27), 17555-17564.

Tonghan Gu, Eunice W. Q. Yeap, Ambika Somasundar, Ran Chen, T. Alan Hatton and Saif A. Khan (2016). Droplet microfluidics with a nanoemulsion continuous phase. Lab Chip,16, 2694-2700.

Achilleos, D. S., Hatton, T. A., & Vamvakaki, M. (2016). Photoreponsive Hybrid Nanoparticles with Inherent FRET Activity. Langmuir, 32(23), 5981-5989.

Brown, P., Smith, G. N., Hernandez, E. P., James, C., Eastoe, J., Nunes, W. C., et al. (2016). Magnetic surfactants as molecular based-magnets with spin glass-like properties. Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 28(17).

Su, X., Kulik, H. J., Jamison, T. F., & Hatton, T. A. (2016). Anion-Selective Redox Electrodes: Electrochemically Mediated Separation with Heterogeneous Organometallic Interfaces. Advanced Functional Materials, 26(20), 3394-3404.

Zhu, Z. L., Peng, Y., Hatton, T. A., Samrane, K., Myerson, A. S., & Braatz, R. D. (2016). Crystallization of Calcium Sulphate during Phosphoric Acid Production: Modeling Particle Shape and Size Distribution. Symphos 2015 – 3rd International Symposium on Innovation and Technology in the Phosphate Industry, 138, 390-402.

Brown, P., Bromberg, L., Rial-Hermida, M. I., Wasbrough, M., Hatton, T. A., & Alvarez-Lorenzo, C. (2016). Magnetic Surfactants and Polymers with Gadolinium Counterions for Protein Separations. Langmuir, 32(3), 699-705.

Achilleos, D. S.; Hatton, T. A., Selective Molecularly Mediated Pseudocapacitive Separation of Ionic Species in Solution. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016, 8 (48), 32743-32753.

Chattopadhyay, S., Hatton, T. A., & Rutledge, G. C. (2016). Aerosol filtration using electrospun cellulose acetate fibers. Journal of Materials Science, 51(1), 204-217.

Katepalli, H.; Bose, A.; Hatton, T. A.; Blankschtein, D., Destabilization of Oil-in-Water Emulsions Stabilized by Non-ionic Surfactants: Effect of Particle Hydrophilicity. Langmuir 2016, 32 (41), 10694-10698.

Gupta, A.; Narsimhan, V.; Hatton, T. A.; Doyle, P. S., Kinetics of the Change in Droplet Size during Nanoemulsion Formation. Langmuir 2016, 32 (44), 11551-11559.

Gupta, A., Eral, H. B., Hatton, T. A., & Doyle, P. S. (2016). Controlling and predicting droplet size of nanoemulsions: scaling relations with experimental validation. Soft Matter, 12(5), 1452-1458.

Gupta, A., Eral, H. B., Hatton, T. A., & Doyle, P. S. (2016). Nanoemulsions: formation, properties and applications. Soft Matter, 12(11), 2826-2841.

Kim, J. Y., Kwon, S. J., Chang, J.-B., Ross, C. A., Hatton, T. A., & Stellacci, F. (2016). Two-Dimensional Nanoparticle Supracrystals: A Model System for Two-Dimensional Melting. Nano Letters, 16(2), 1352-1358.

Mao, X., Tian, W., Hatton, T. A., & Rutledge, G. C. (2016). Advances in electrospun carbon fiber-based electrochemical sensing platforms for bioanalytical applications. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 408(5), 1307-1326.

Mao, X., Yan, E. H., Rutledge, G. C., & Hatton, T. A. (2016). Enhanced Redox Transformation Efficiency in Unconjugated Electroactive Polymer/Carbon Nanotube Hybrids. Chemistry of Materials, 28(2), 543-548.